When it comes to the Internet, I still consider myself as a rookie...
There are many things I'd like to do but just don't know how. I think it's time for me to deal with that because using and knowing the codes of the Internet is the key to modern communication.
So here I am, challenging myself to learn at least three things that I've always wanted to do on the Internet and that could be useful in my future career or my personal life.
Check it out, this is Live from Liv...
Mission 1 : Twittering
Ok, I know this is lame, but I still haven't got the opportunity to spend time on Twitter and to really understand what this trendy social network was about. I do have an account but I'm not following a lot of people, so people don't follow me back that much !
But now I've got a good reason to be a Twitter addict. Remember when I was telling you about the fact that I was writing articles for Onlygroove.com ? Well, this week, I got the chance to make my very first interview ! The artist I interviewed was Jeremih, a young american R&B singer from Chi City, famous for his very sensual song Birthday Sex. Well I really enjoyed doing this, the artist was totally receptive to my questions and we even got to chat a bit. He asked me if I was on Twitter, so I obviously said I was even though I never use it ! Now, I'd really like to thank him for the interview, but I don't know how to do that...If I'm only updating my status, he won't see it because he's not following me. I need to find a way to directly talk to him. Just going to check his Twitter page, waouh, nice pictures...Anyway, think I just found what I've been looking for : a special application that allows to mention someone in your status so that he will see it !
Thanks for the interview @Jeremih
And that's how the job is done !
I know what you're all thinking...It took her that long to do that ?
Well did I ever tell you I was blond ?
Wow, look at this : @Live_from_Liv No prob. Thanx for havin me. Will be back out here soon !
And ever since Jeremih answered me, people I don't even know are following me including US TV Channel Trace !
Does Twitter rock, or what ?
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